What do Full Moons and Sick Babies have in Common?

What do Full Moons and Sick Babies have in Common?


fullmoon meditation

Today is Tuesday and it’s a super moon/full moon tonight. I’ve spent most of the last week nursing my sweet baby back to health… literally. Its literal, because all my baby wants to do is nurse! Baby Jack got a cold on Thursday, which was followed by the longest night of crying due to a very stuffy nose and high fever. I felt so sad for baby Jack because in his mind, his body was glitching.  The first two days of the cold he refused to eat any baby foods and wanted to nurse exclusively, by day 3 and 4 baby Jack was allowing daddy to feed him baby food but would still only nurse from mama. This situation can be quite difficult when daddy is gone all day to work. Luckily, the exclusive nursing sessions are in the past. By day 5, baby Jack was back eating baby foods and feeling a tiny bit better. However, it wasn’t until today that I noticed a huge improvement in baby Jack’s cold, with virtually no sniffles all day today!

My small piece of comfort today when I was at the store and was finally understood by another mother who was there. After telling the lady at the store how Jack had been sick all week, I could tell she really felt for me. It was more amusing though when she wished me a good night of sleep only to stop herself and say, “Actually we gave up sleep when we had kids”. If that isn’t the truth I don’t know what is! Sometimes all you need is a little compassion to not feel so alone with our parenting struggles. Okay, okay, I know you don’t want to hear my ramblings, so here is the juicy part. How to go from sniffles to happy baby in less than a week.

Step 1:

Defiantly start by firing up a humidifier and an essential oil diffuser. Mine have been running almost constantly (especially at night) since baby Jack got his cold.

  • Place 4 drops Eucalyptus Blue EO (Essential Oil) in the diffuser.
  • Place 4 drops Thieves EO in the diffuser.


  • Place 4 drops Lavender EO (Essential Oil) in the diffuser.
  • Place 4 drops Copaiba EO in the diffuser.

Alternate when adding water to your diffuser from Thieves EO and Eucalyptus Blue EO to Lavender EO and Copaiba EO. Simply amazing for helping the body open up the sinuses.


My favorite diffuser so far is the Dewdrop by Young Living.

I should also mention that Young Living Essential Oils are the ONLY essential oils I would use with my son, anything else just doesn’t have the quality I am looking for.

Step 2:

Place 3 tablespoons of olive oil or fractionated coconut oil in a small glass jar. (I used an old baby food jar)


  • 6 drops Lemon EO
  • 6 drops Peppermint EO
  • 10 drops R.C. EO blend (This blend has lots of Eucalyptus)
  • 4 drops Raven EO blend
  • 3 drops Thieves EO blend
  • 4 drops Copaiba EO
  • 3 drops Lavender EO

This mixture is then rubbed on the bottom of the feet and chest to aid the body in health and healing. According to ancient tradition, peppermint EO may also help reduce a fever.

WARNING: Never put undiluted essential oils on a baby, their skin is too sensitive!

Step 3:

Open up a bottle of SniffleEase kids essential oil!!!


  • Apply by getting a dab on your finger to rub across your Childs forehead.

This is literally the most amazing product ever for opening the sinuses! I’m not even sure why I didn’t list this as number one! Its truly the best for a stuffy nose.

Step 4: 

Last but defiantly not least, ASK FOR HELP! I know so many of us push aside our own feelings of exhaustion because we tell ourselves “It’s only a cold”. The truth of the matter is, many of us haven’t slept for a full week and honestly just need an uninterrupted nap. Through this we can regain our sanity and be there for ourselves, so that when our baby needs us we can fully be there for him/her. Please find a girlfriend who can stay with your sweet little one for a couple hours while you REST. Not to do laundry or clean, but simply rest.


*These statements have not been approved by the FDA. Please consult your doctor or pediatrician before applying any essential oils to yourself or your baby.




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